Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Balinese Ceremony : Mesangih

Mesangih, Mepandes, Menek Bajang is a part of "Manusa Yadnya" for Hinduism in Bali.
This ceremony is intended to control the "Sad Ripu", six enemy in human mind.
Kama is uncontrolled passions
Lobha is greedy
Kradha is anger
Mada is drunk
Moha is confused
Matsarya is envy
This ceremony is performed when someone stepped on adolescence.

"Bowing to the parents by touching his feet"
 "Teeth filed so that the average"
"Symbol for cleaning himself"
Tirtha is a water with a touch of supernatural
"Priest cut some hair"
This is a symbol to removes impurities inborn

"Everyone is celebrating with a traditional Balinese dance"

Photo By : I Gusti Bagus Parawitho

This tutor is not complete yet.
If you want to know more details about this ceremony and Bali,
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